Best 3G plan in India | Smart Recharge & Save more

In leading mobile operators, when we recharge for 449 we will get 2.5GB (exclusive few days web offer), valid for 1 month or 28 days.

But you can avail [ 3GB of 3G + 353 Talktime +399 Loc/ Nat SMS + 2 months validity ]
worth 703 @ Rs. 453!

Get the 3GB (full 3G data) + 353 Main Account Balance + 399 Loc / Nat SMS for 60 days on recharge of 453..  [ Shortly 3GB data = Rs.100 & Saving =Rs. 250]

Source : site)   |   Tariff last update status : 31 Jan 2015
Simple, follow the steps below & all you  need is an Aircel connection.
1) Goto : official site & choose online recharge or click here
2) Choose your circle.
3) Enter the aircel mobile number & e-mail ID.
4) Select the option as 3G.
5) Choose the service as : Topups & Special Recharges( Instead of other options that most of us choose).
6) In the recharge amount, select Rs.453

7) Proceed to payment method & enjoy the benefit

If you feel, the amount is more, Opt for Rs.283.[ 2GB of 3G 153 TT + 283 Loc/STD SMS ] for 1 month. 

Note : Confirm whether 3G facility and this recharge is available in your circle and recharge.

Hope this post ll save some pocket internet money to be spent & join you with next useful post.
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