How to download an APK file from Google Play

Most of the smartphone users, love to try new apps which can be downloaded from Appstore's of the OS they are using.
Android OS which is from Google Inc. and they providing direct download the billions of app's which if available in both flavors: free and paid.
Both cases, we can download the app,and install.
In case of re-installing the app in future, we again touch with Google Play Store and download.
There is an option to download from Desktop, where the continuous high speed is guaranteed.

1. If you are using Chrome brower, check for the chrome extension "APK Downloader".
Install & enable to download apps in .apk format OR find Evozi Chrome/Firefox extension from chrome webstore (for chrome users) and Mozilla Adons :  (for firefox users)

Browser Independent apk download :
1. Go to and find the app you want to download.
2. Copy the app's package ID.
3. Visit : () and paste the app package name or the Google Play URL.
4. Generate download link and save it to your computer.
5. When you are having high speed internet, downlaod the app from the URL geneerated, as like other file downloads.
6. Use a USB cable to transfer the .apk file from the computer to your smartphone.
7. Install .apk file and even send to your peers also.
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